SS 2010: Programming Techniques for Supercomputers

Vorlesung über Grundlagen des High Performance Computing

The popular lecture

„Programming Techniques for Supercomputers“ (PTfS10), (4V+2Ü, ECTS: 5+2.5)

will be offered by HPC Services again during this summer term. The course teaches the basics of high performance computing (HPC). This includes an introduction to processor and HPC system architectures, optimization of serial code, and parallel programing on shared and distributed memory parallel computers. Necessary prerequisites are a working knowledge about UNIX/Linux environments and at least one programming language out of the set {C, C++, Fortran}. We do not have the time to teach UNIX or programming basics in this course.

A weekly tutorial with homework assignments complements the lecture. Access to RRZE HPC systems will be granted.

You can enroll in the lecture using our online learning management system, „Moodle“:

This is also where all course material (slides, homework assignments) and relevant news will be published. Login as a
guest user is possible, but you must be registered to actually enroll.

Kategorien HPC